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Nostalgic Summertime Sips

The new Wild Strawberry Lemonade Freeze will take you back

One sip in and you’re sure to realize it: the Wild Strawberry Lemonade Freeze is like an old-fashioned favorite that’s been Freeze-ified. So, take a sip back to simpler times with us.

Picture this. It’s summertime. Probably sometime in the 50s. The kids of the era are experimenting with this bombastic “rock and roll” music. It’s a spinoff of different genres to create something new. Kinda like the mix of flavors in the Wild Strawberry Lemonade Freeze.

And that perfect nostalgic mix of summertime bliss? You can sip into it anytime you’d like with the Wild Strawberry Lemonade Freeze, at participating locations for a limited time.